
The details presented in this document are purely informative and may undergo alterations, modifications, or updates at any given time without prior notification. These changes will align with adjustments in pertinent laws and regulations, business conditions, industry outlooks, or at the discretion of the management team, among other factors.

The information provided does not encompass the followings:

  • Legal, financial, business and or tax advice,

  • Any forms of sales, offer of sales, subscriptions, and or invitation of any forms of investment securities or other financial instruments,

  • Any form of an agreement, commitment, promise and or guarantee.

The information contained in the document is presented "as is," without any warranty, whether expressed or implied. Simplio explicitly disclaims all responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damages of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from reliance on any information, error, omission, or inaccuracy in the information provided in the whitepaper or any resulting action.

Simplio shall not be held liable for individuals accessing this document from territories where laws or regulations prohibit access or where any portion of the document may be deemed illegal. Individuals accessing this document confirm that they are not prohibited or restricted by applicable laws or regulations from accessing it. Furthermore, the offering of the Utility tokens mentioned in this document shall not be conducted directly or indirectly, nor shall any related documentation be sent to territories where participation in such offerings is prohibited.

Due to the lack of regulatory clarity surrounding cryptographic tokens, which encompasses digital-based currencies, assets, and blockchain applications in various jurisdictions, this document has not been examined nor approved by any regulatory authority. In the event that regulatory bodies or government entities introduce or modify rules or regulations, it may adversely affect entities associated with this document or the Utility tokens. Such changes could potentially disrupt or impede certain implementations or service operations as intended or in their entirety.

There are no guarantees regarding the value or performance of Simplio Utility tokens, nor is there certainty of receiving distributions. Consequently, investors may experience significant fluctuations in capital and token value, potentially resulting in losses, including the complete loss of the initial investment. Simplio Utility tokens represent new digital assets without an established public market, leading to uncertainty about the emergence of a secondary market. Even if a secondary market does arise, its ability to provide liquidity or sustain itself cannot be assured. Market liquidity for Simplio Utility tokens will depend on various factors, such as token holder numbers, performance, market conditions for similar assets, trader interest, regulatory changes, and legal restrictions on token transfers.

Last updated