
Get in touch with us

Simplio is a community-driven project thriving on active participation, feedback, and collaboration from its users. We're committed to creating an ecosystem that reflects the needs and desires of its community. To achieve this, we've established multiple channels for our users to reach out, provide feedback, and request support.

Stay Updated and Engaged

Follow us on our social media channels to stay updated on the latest developments, announcements, and community events. It's also a great way to interact with fellow community members and the Simplio team.

Live Support Channels

For real-time communication, join our Telegram or Discord communities. These platforms offer a direct line to our support team and the wider Simplio community. Share your experiences, ask questions, and find support among like-minded individuals.

Open a Support Ticket

Need more personalized assistance or game listing? Open a support ticket on Discord. Our dedicated team is ready to help with any issues, ensuring your Simplio experience is smooth and enjoyable.

Last updated